DD Charity Update - December 2021
It’s now the end of 2021, and in this month’s DD Charity blog entry we have a quick catch up with Autism Anglia to see how they have gotten on with their new DD gear over the last couple of months.
A Catch-up with Autism Anglia
Trevor Wright of Autism Anglia got in touch with us to let us know how the equipment has been able to help out the Doucecroft School and it’s students:
“The majority of our lessons are onsite in school and the hammocks will be put up under an outdoor classroom around the fire pit, we do however go off site with some students to the woods. I run the Forest school here and we use your hammocks a lot!...They’re the most popular thing we do by far, all the students love them…
“Students are learning to tie different knots - the first one they learn is the shoelace knot. This is the same knot that we use to tie up the hammocks in the trees. Students have learned this very quickly and are now able to select appropriate trees and set up the hammock themselves, a great achievement for each of them.
“As you can see from the photo, these are already making a huge difference to our students as they really enjoy using them to help self-regulate their emotions.”
We hope that the hammocks and tarps will continue to be used and enjoyed for years to come by Autism Anglia and the Doucecroft School, and we thank Trevor for keeping us updated!
You can find more information about Autism Anglia, the Doucecroft School and the services they provide on their website and their Facebook page.
Moving into 2022
Throughout the latter half of 2021, DD has been able to give a helping hand to lots of good causes and groups. Ranging from mental health charities with a focus on the outdoors, such as Autism Anglia and N4H, to programs that primarily help disadvantaged young people get out into the wild, such as The Green Team and Craggers.
As we head into the New Year, we are continuing to work to support local, grassroots outdoors charities with donations of our charity hammocks and tarps – however, we would like to help as many groups and organizations as we can!
Not only would we like to help by providing donations of outdoors kit, we believe that by working together with future groups and charities this is a great opportunity to learn and share more about the work that they do, spreading the word about the services they provide.
While we would primarily like to provide kit to similar outdoors charities, we are happy to consider any cause or organisation that is dedicated to doing good things for people in need that would benefit from a donation of our tarps and hammocks.
So, if you know of a group that would benefit from a donation of Hammocks and Tarps as well as blog features to shine a light on the work they do, please get in touch with us via our charity contact form found on our DD Charity Page, where we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Click here to get in contact with us - we would love to hear from you!
From everyone here at DD Hammocks, we wish you a very Happy New Year!
DD Charity Roundup - 2024
As we come into the brand New Year we here at DD Hammocks would like to take a moment to look back at 2024.
Read on to find out more about all the amazing charities and organisations we’ve supported this year!
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